Recommendations for M/M Fanfics with Hypnosis by anonusr @ AO3

Necessary Things (Tales of Vesperia): This remains one my all time favorite fanfic with hypnosis themes. The slow way Alexi works through Flynn’s resistance is pitch perfect, and the sequel Perfect Things is also spectacular. I hope one day the author will revisit this series.

Trapped in the Eye of the Yiga (Legend of Zelda): AU where Link was kidnapped and brainwashed into a member of the Yiga clan. The author clearly knows how to write hypno-kink well, and each chapter feels lovingly crafted. Plus it’s hypnotized Link - how can you not want that?

Controlling Puppy (Yu-Gi-Oh): Jou is beta testing a new VR game for Kaiba Corp. Another story I hope the author will return to one day - it’s very well written, it’s hot, everyone remains in character… it’s just good times all around.

Compulsion of the Cobra (Cobra Kai): The most recent item on this list. While I’m not familiar with the source material, you honestly don’t need to be to enjoy the story! It’s beautifully written and remarkably fun (and hot).

See You On A Dark Night (Fire Emblem): Ferdinand doesn’t see anything amiss with how he behaves around Hubert. He’s just greeting an old friend.

In the Absence of Reason (Fire Emblem): Another Ferdibert fic. Ferdinand discovers something he shouldn’t (but Hubert has a solution to that). Well written, hot, and fun.

Crestological Anatomy Studies (Fire Emblem): Linhardt needs a research assistant for a labor intensive experiment. Caspar seems like the perfect test subject.

My Good Boy (My Hero Academia): Kirishima suggests a new training program to help his best friend Bakugo defend himself against mental quirks. The fic is exactly what you think it is, and it is executed to perfection.

Call Me Beep Me (My Hero Academia): After an exhausting shift, Bakugou’s about ready to go to bed. Well done hypnosis by proxy story.

Summoning Demons (Sonic The Hedgehog): Yep, this is a Sonic fanfic. It’s also excellently done hypno-kink. Mephiles’ control over Sonic, and how he uses that to get to Shadow, is very well done.

Gen’s Toy Box (Dr. STONE): Gen and Senku have a standing arrangement to help relieve stress… except there’s more to it than Senku knows. While again I’m not familiar with the base material, it’s still a darn fun read.

I Like It (the feeling between my–) (Promare): I’m really sad we don’t have more Promare hypnosis fanfic - I loved that movie so much. Still, here’s an excellent little story of Galo visiting Kray after they went to a hypnosis show.

By Blood and Power (Dragon Age II): It has Danarius controlling Fenris - what more could you want? While there’s some het in the story, it’s still a really fun read.

Look Into the Light (Merlin): Merlin captures Arthur and needs to extract information.

Five Evenings At Home (FFVII): Cloud spends the week with his…husband? Who is definitely stable and fine and loves him very much. While less hypno and more puppet!Cloud / mental coersion, I suspect most people who are on this page will enjoy it. It’s an excellent Sephiroth x Cloud work, with the characters written beautifully.

Haunted (FFVII): Cloud doesn’t manage to win the fight in Advent Children. Sephiroth takes advantage. In the best way possible. Yes, I like puppet!Cloud quite a bit - don’t you?

A Drifting Cloud (FFVII): A Shinra scientists discovers that some of Cloud’s ‘training’ from days as a Shinra cadet is still intact. The work and its prequel (The Study of a Cloud) are some my favorite ‘tech-control’-style pieces, and are both excellent reads.

Just as a note, I also occasionally write stuff. You can find my works here

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