Recommendations for M/M Original Hypnosis Works by anonusr

This page contains recommendations for hypnosis stories that are for original stories, that aren’t fanfic (based on an existing media) nor are furry stories.

Wrestlr remains one of my all time favorite authors in this space. He’s one of the first hypno authors I read, and he left a lasting impression. SEAL Trance and Dog Tags are probably my two favorites, but take a look through their work and see what catches your eye!

z119z has some excellent works, but I think Doing The Laundry, about a hypnotist enthralling someone who was watching their laundry tumble in the dryer, remains an all time favorite.

Mindbender has some excellent stories of buff dudes being hypnotized. Room Service is an excellent stand-alone story about a hypnotist catching the dude who brings him room service at his hotel, and the Son of a Marine series (about someone who finds a book on mind control in their fathers military equipment) is amazing (the final chapter is pitch perfect).

Xesulliv has written quite a few great pieces, but their first work, Website Redacted, about a college student discovering his roommate is available on a website as a hypnotized escort, remains one of my all time favs.

Nacho has a similar style to Xesulliv, but tends to be a tad lighter. If you want to read about jocks getting enthralled (but finding love in the process), or hunky werewolves discovering their destined mate (whom they must obey), he’s your guy.

Hyptrace is another hypno/mc writer who has been around for some time. They’re less active these days, but their work remains excellent. Out of the Closet, and Twins are two of my favs, but their entire library is worth checking out.

Ethan White has written quite a few hypno stories (and has even published some), but their work Super Sucker is an absolute favorite of mine. While the premise is simple (young superhero captured by super-villain) it’s so much more than just that, and it surprises in the best ways. Familiar Fantasies is also fun if you want just a short and sweet story.

Eigh has an interesting collection of stories. While they have a few kinks that aren’t really for me, their writing is excellent and they write inductions beautifully. Their story Tobias in particular is worth checking out.

T. T. Fletcher’s work is who I’d recommend for more subtle hypno works. Normally, I tend to enjoy hypno authors who focus on the hypno elements in their stories (writers who show the induction, suggestions, working around resistance, etc). Fletcher isn’t in this group, yet is excellent at writing hypno stories (that still feel like hypno stories), without spending a lot of time to the actual hypnosis. Instead, they tend to focus more on the journey, how the subtle hypnosis changes people over time. They feel considerably different than every other author on this list, but in a good way - their (often oblivious) protagonists are fun, and their hypnotists easy to root for. Their short work Hypnotron is a good starting place, as is Strobe Goth.

FreeThinker is perhaps the opposite of Fletcher - they focus on the hypnosis and control itself, and boy does it work for them! With FreeThinker, half the joy of the story is watching how the hypnotist actually sets up his control, and it’s incredibly hot. Because I love a good period piece, I’d recommend their work Baron’s Apprentice, though be advised it’s not finished. Bliss is also quite good.

Frat House Confidential by Manluv is one of those works that had a fantastic chapter one, and then unfortunately never was continued. While the work has a few bits that are not-for-me (feminization), there is a truly amazing scene towards the end of the chapter involving the character Cole that is quite hot.

Paul’s Possession by Jonathan Longhorn is one of the great gay hypnosis epics. While the conclusion might feel a bit unsatisfying (it’s unclear if it’s meant to be the final chapter or not) the 95,000 word epic is well written, fun, and has some amazing surprises.

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